
Wholly Leading: Thoughts, Meditations, and Practices for ‘Whole Self’ Leadership

What happens when a CEO and a Spiritual Leader put their heads together? An invitation to transformation and growth for leaders of all types through thoughts, meditations, and practices! Journey through the stages of leadership and common obstacles and challenges with this interactive, self-pace journal, and grow the intangibles of good leadership and well being. Check it out on Amazon

Pink Haired Mermaid Baby Jesus

Missing Peace is a community experimenting with doing church differently. They’ve met in parks, beaches, museums, and homeless shelters worshipping with their heart, mind, and strength and loving their neighbors. Rev. Katy Cuthill Steinberg is their founder, and has released a book about what they’ve learned along the way. Pink Haired Mermaid Baby Jesus (named for a nativity production incident), is about finding miracles in the messes, deeply incarnational hands-on worship, and the priesthood of all believers sharing their experiences of God. Check it out on Amazon


Want a more in-depth discussion about the future of church, the “new normal,” and/or creative ideas for doing church? Email to arrange a webinar or in person seminar for your church, mid-council, or organization. We’ll journey together to brainstorm contextually appropriate ways to reach new people, engage in spiritual practices, re-think worship, and discover what God is up to where you live.